Tuesday 12 February 2008

This Valentines I am mostly loving...

I'm a day or two early but what the heck - happy Valentine’s dear blog readers! Don’t worry I won’t be getting all slushy on you, but I thought I’d take a moment or two to share my love for a few things at the moment. These include:

1. Carter Beats the Devil – thanks to Susie who gave me a copy of this book which I’ve been meaning to read for, lord, six years or so. I don’t want it to end and for once would welcome long, unexplained stops in Jubilee line tunnels!

2. The approach of spring – slowly we seem to be getting there, when you can see through the fog that is.

3. Finished copies of The Galliard; our fourth Margaret Irwin novel which is out next month, is a lovely chunky size and has a lady in a gorgeous frock on the front – ticking my first two boxes for great historical fiction.

4. Discovering random new ‘interesting’ facts – did you know that Mark Billingham used to be one of the knights in Maid Marian and her Merry Men? Whatever next?


Sophie the Fourth said...

Margaret Irwin is great. I really enjoyed 'Young Bess'. I should give her other books a try. I'm getting nowhere with my current book 'Foucault's Pendulum'. People rave about Umberto Eco but besides his name, I'm finding little to amuse myself with.
Any suggestions for a good Tube Book? I can't stand another Lite!

Lesley said...

Hmmm, that is a doozy of a title isn't it?! Mmmm, can't think of any at the mo except Carter or Galliard. I like thick books that I'm unlikely to finish 2 stops from home leaving me staring into space.

Chiara said...

Hi Sophie,
Good tube reads... right, what kinds of books are you most interested in? Off the top of my head I'd recommend The Rabbit Factory, by Marshall Karp - a fast-paced and funny crime novel. You'll fly though it but will still last a while even on a long commute as it's a good 600 pages! And the chapters are short so ideal for getting one more chapter in between tube stops! I'd also heartily recommend Girls of Tender Age, by Mary-Ann Tirone Smith - out in paperback end of this month. Simply a wonderful memoir set in the 1950s. I'd recommend this one to anyone - be it for a tube ride, a bed-time read or a holiday book. Come to think of it, blogger Material Witness recently read both books and posted lovely reviews...so if you want confirmation that you're not getting a publisher's biased opinion check his reviews out! Hang on, let me get you the link... voila: http://materialwitness.typepad.com/

Sophie the Fourth said...

Thanks! I already read The Rabbit Factory. It was CHUNKY. I had to switch to a bigger bag for the duration of the text.
I don't like reading anything too gory/mushy/engrossing on the tube due to being scared/embarrassed/missing my gosh-darn stop! (Gotta love the U rated language)
A good tube book is hard to come by. Emma Cole’s ‘Every Secret Thing’ was pretty perfect. Bag-sized entertainment. That’s the key.
Thanks for the link!