Wednesday 19 March 2008

The Colour of Magic - to see or not to see?

Last night I saw the preview for Sky One's TV adaptation of Terry Pratchett's The Colour of Magic, to be broadcasted Easter Sunday. I'm probably one of the few people in the world who hasn't read a Harry Potter book, let alone seen any of the films, and I probably put this down to the fact that Terry Pratchett got to me first. I became a fan of the Pratchett's Discworld novels years ago. From the moment I read the line "A thought crossed his mind - very fast, and looking both ways in case it got knocked over" I was hooked. (I take no responsibility for misquotation) . I still delight in the layers of humour and the surreal that Pratchett so brilliantly delivers. So I have to admit, whilst I was at first delighted to see the preview for The Colour of Magic pop up on my TV screen - a bit like suddenly spotting someone you know on the telly - I'm now slightly unsure as to whether or not I really want to see the film. Whilst the technology these days means that productions such as these are remarkable, part of me wants to keep my own unique image of the Discworld, safe from a TV producer's interpretation. But I'm curious. Of course I'm curious. I never did see the first adaptation, The Hogfather, so if anyone saw that one and would advise For or Against seeing The Colour of Magic, I'm all ears! Reviews welcome. Because after all, it could prove to be a disappointment - like the colour of magic itself, a mere "greenish-purple" (according to wizard Rincewind).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Those fans who saw the first half of it at a special preview screening seemed to like it (of course, some of them were also extras). Terry has been very involved with it and seems happy with it. Check out the video behind the scenes clips and the "Tourists Guide to Ankh-Morpork" for a taste of things.

Lee Whiteside