Friday, 21 December 2007

A short goodbye till 2008!

This is the last day of blogging for 2007. Our offices will be closed now till the 2nd of January as we enjoy the Christmas festivities. But fret not! We will be back, fresh and inspired, with more blogging stories in the New Year.
I, unsurprisingly, have yet to finish my Christmas shopping, and I wonder how many of you out there are like me, who every year vow to have their presents wrapped and ready by December 1st, and yet never seem to get round to it until the panic sets in - around about now. So, in case you too are looking for last-minute inspiration, don't forget to check out our list of Books for Christmas on the A&B website - there's bound to be something there to suit the taste of Whoever-It-Is-You-Are-Buying-For.
If you've turned into an angry shopper after too many hours spent trudging along the high-street stores, here's a picture my aunt sent me today, of her house in Camden, Maine (USA). Something to remind you of the simplicity and beauty of the Christmas season. I have a mind to put it on next year's Christmas card(which, of course, I intend to send out by December 1st...).

And with that, we will love you and leave you now, but do keep up the reading over the holidays and a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!

Wednesday, 19 December 2007

All I want for to buy it all!

Today I decided to use my lunch-break for some more last-minute Christmas shopping - Destination HMV. I walked in full of purpose - one new James Blunt album for my sister, that's all I need, In-Out, 5 minutes max. But there I was on my way to row "B" in the Rock/Pop section, battling through the hoardes of shoppers, adrenalin rising, when I got sucked in - suddenly corralled by the "Gift" section. Next thing I know I'm pondering whether to buy some album involving Celine Dion singing Christmas carols for my mum. At no other time would I consider this. I'm even bopping to the music belting out over the overhead speakers wondering if I should find out who the artist is. The potential for gift buying is overwhelming. The same thing happened at Borders two days ago. They were offering 50% off all book purchases that day and the queue was literally pouring into the streets ,which meant you were forced to take in all the wonderful books on display as you snaked, at a snail's pace, to the cashier. I had to physically clamp my hands round my copy of Letters of Noel Coward (luckily a hefty tome enouraging a two-handed grip) to avoid undulging in another coffee-table book, stocking-filler, cookbook... But back to HMV - I think I would have lost myself in The Overpowering Buzz of The Xmas Impulse-buy had I not suddenly spotted one of our books right by the door. There it was: The Ultimate Book of British Comics - beautifully displayed, a familiar and calming sight in the midsts of the mayhem, and a reminder that there are some things worth buying spur of the moment, and others not. I gently placed the Celine-Dion-Sings-Carols album back on the shelf and went on my merry way. (After purchasing the intended James Blunt CD of course.)

Tuesday, 18 December 2007

It's oh, so quiet... in the office, particularly after announcing the exciting news of us teaming up with Snowbooks. Susie and Christina are being jet-setting types and I think the rest of us are on the verge of going into hibernation – I can hardly feel my fingers as I type this! But never fear, we, the last four standing, will post again soon.

Saturday, 15 December 2007

Welcome Snowbooks ... and other frosty musings

What a fantastic day - A&B have signed a contract with Snowbooks, to start selling their books in the UK. I am so thrilled as I think Em Barnes is quite the most marvellous publisher, woman and cyclist I have ever known. Truly. We are going to take over the world together ... well, we're certainly going to have a go!

In the absence of a lovely picture of us shaking hands to cement our agreement (we do have said pic but for foolishly female reasons - mine - that include worrying about size of tummy, I'm not going to post it), instead here's the cover of The Frost Fair, by our top-selling crime and much loved author Edward Marston Esquire. Perfect timing as The Frost Fair is taking place along the River Thames this week, a tradition that started in 1669 when the mighty river froze over and all sorts of festivities ensued. Although I'm hugely biased as I adore Mr M and his books, it is a cracking read and definitely one for a crime fan's Christmas stocking this year.

Monday, 10 December 2007

We’re going on a bear hunt…

Jeez Susie, talk about tough act to follow – how is one supposed to ‘top’ good old Dolly? I’ll keep with the current affairs angle, though not such a well-endowed character, I suppose.

One article that caught my eye this week was about Michael Rosen – Children’s Laureate and author of the classic We’re Going on a Bear Hunt – who has been vehemently attacking the way poetry is taught in UK schools. I remember all too well the way some teachers had their eyes on just one prize; exams, and would coach us for them without mercy. I think poor poetry is perhaps (unintentional alliteration alert) more susceptible to this, being more easily ‘dissected’ with checklists and key words the examiners are apparently looking for. I know that I've read beautiful, thought-provoking poetry, but probably not since I was 18 and if you put me on the spot I will come up with a spectacular nothing. As a result of this I am (not too) ashamed to say that I am not a poetry reader. Is that a strange confession for an avowedly booky person? Personally, I’m all about narrative in my reading choices. It will be the plot of a novel that will keep me reading til dawn, determined to find out what happens to the characters. And I haven’t come across a poem that has come anywhere near that, though I’m open to suggestions…

Speaking of good books, ahem, A Changed Man is still awaiting your votes on the Spread the Word ‘Books to Talk About’ here. Thanks to everyone who is voting!

Friday, 7 December 2007

Rotherham goes Country

I have always adored Dolly Parton, ever since watching her hold her own against the comic genius of Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda and Dabney Coleman in 9 to 5. So I was delighted to see that the Queen of Country was visiting our fair shores this week at the request of Rotherham Council. Rotherham? As in South Yorkshire? Indeedy. Dolly had been invited to launch a very special literacy project, based on the remarkable Imagination Library scheme she originally introduced in her native Tennessee back in 1995. The scheme has now extended to over 500 counties spread across 36 states, and sends every pre-school age child a free book every month. Isn't that amazing? Rotherham are going to adopt the scheme from 2008 and Dolly was their guest of honour at the launch.

But almost better than all of that was the gorgeous Goddess's sense of humour when asked by a blonde lady in the audience at the launch, if she minded dumb-blonde jokes. Dolly's reply was just perfect: "Of course I'm not offended. I know I'm not dumb, and we know I'm not blonde".

Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Prasana the Work Experience's Last Day

As I type this I am in my very last minutes as a work experience for Allison & Busby. In four minutes, I will no longer be able to say 'Oh, I work in publishing' nonchalantly as inside I'm really shrieking 'Omigod I work in PUBLISHING!!!!!' In three minutes, I'll be stripped of the power to turn my thumb down at a manuscript from the pile with all the pomp of Ceasar meting judgement on a Roman citizen. In two minutes, I'll leave behind my red pen and Post-It notes and glow from the fact that I just finished proofreading A&B's longest book yet, The Galliard. In one minute, I'll be just be another struggling author facing a wonderful publishing house from the other side of the transom. But in these last 30 seconds, while I still have a shred of prestige, I just want to thank all the lovely ladies here at A&B for a great couple of months and a ton of insight I could never learn from a book. And...time's up.