Monday 19 November 2007

Happy Birthday Susie's Mum

My darling Mum is 80 tomorrow and this weekend we celebrated her forthcoming milestone with a lavish dinner party for, you've guessed it, 80 friends and family. It was a fantastic evening, full of food, wine, Mummers and catching up with people who haven't seen me since I was this high. Inevitably, conversation always turns to 'and what are you doing now?', and I must admit I love telling people that I'm a publisher. So grand. And then a lovely thing happens - the floodgates open and we talk endlessly about books. What I'm reading, what they're reading, how much they loved/hated the new Martina Cole/John Grisham/Richard & Judy bestseller (delete as applicable).

One of my Mum's friends is Maureen Coston who, with her husband Rob, runs the post office in the village. Maureen is a fantastic reader - she buys books, she borrows books, she loves books. We always end up nattering for ages about what we're reading, and Saturday was no different. We agreed how fantastic Under the Skin by Michel Faber is; how Maureen loves the No1 Ladies Detective Agency Series (I quite like it ...). And how hard it is running a village post office given Royal Mail want to close everything down, but that's another story.

And here's a gorgeous picture of my parents on their wedding day - Mum complete with fag, booze and cake. All a girl needs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday your lovely mum! You look just like her. xxx