Wednesday 7 November 2007

The wanderer a big surprise

This is my first attempt at blogging, so please bear with me while I find my feet…

As many of you will know, our lovely Lara has been away the past few weeks, getting married and jetting off on a dream of a honeymoon. We’re all dying to see photos of her big day – especially of Lara in her gorgeous dress – and are eagerly waiting for her to come back and tell us all about it. There’s nothing an office full of women enjoys more than gossiping about weddings! (How girly are we?!)

But poor Lara is going to have a surprise in store when she returns. One of our printers, CPD, has unfortunately gone into administration. It’s very sad for us as we have dealt with them for several years now and know many of the people who work there. I know Lara will be shocked when she hears about what has happened. Our thoughts and best wishes go out to all those that have been made redundant. Good luck to you.

Now the search is on to find someone to replace them… It's the start of a new 'printing' chapter at A&B, and hopefully the start of a new relationship that will prove to be just as successful as the last.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think this might be your inaugural comment, so may I first say a thank you for the link to my site. It's a referral that brought me here to start with. I had no idea that the team at A&B had started down the road to "ablogging"...

I hope you experience a fruitful mission in this endeavour! Publisher blogs can be short lived and some can be boring - dare I say it! Just remember to stick with it until you find your true voice and don't be hung up on stats before you get there!

What we have so far is a bit of a "girlie" feel in the world of publishing, but hey, that's unique thus far and it's drawn me back to read, a few times, being girlie too.

I'm drawn to comment tonight as you mention the loss of your printer. My sympathies to the staff there as such circumstances can be more than a jolt and a "bottoming out", especially when there was no hint of what might come.

But there is also another opportunity to consider in this sad experience. The talent that lived within a company that went into administration can sometimes resurge under new management. It's not unheard of; it's not so rare as to be a surprise.

There's also the possibility of "vertical integration" with the customer buying the supplier, if they have the money.

I don't know the circumstances here, but it's like leaving a job - never leave on bad terms and keep your options open.

Printing to a deadline is key to a publisher, hence why you say you're looking for a replacement right now. It's a short term need, but don't forget the other opportunities that may come from the medium and long term.

I'm currently reading one of your novels and I'm more than impressed with the print. I can read in bed without glasses and not wish that my arms were longer. I can see every word.

CPD has served you well, so please don't lose sight of the talent you experienced there. Having just picked up that novel, literally & real time during the writing of this comment, I also note that CPD is in my neck of the woods in south Wales - in Ebbw Vale. This makes me even more sad to learn of the administration, as Ebbw Vale needs more jobs and not less.

Garner that talent if you can, by hook or by crook, A&B. The company you knew may be lost, but its talent base remains.

As for the novel in question, it's as good as the presentation - both a complement to one another - and I keep turning the pages, so more later...

As for John Lewis and charcoal tights, you have a new dedicated reader and JL may have a new dedicated customer. At the mo, I prefer 40 denier at M&S (with cotton) and can't imagine the thought of 60 denier. But that's when I'm not reading...

Best wishes to you all, ladies! May this blog see a long life!