Wednesday 21 November 2007

Spread the word!

Oh joy oh joy! Our book A Changed Man, by Francine Prose has been selected as one of the 100 Books to Talk About in a new initiative set up by those lovely people behind World Book Day and Spread the Word. Every single UK publisher was asked to submit their choice titles for consideration - books we loved but that hadn't yet got the recognition they deserved. I knew immediately I wanted to submit A Changed Man. It's the title I instinctively blurt out when anyone asks me to recommend book to read. It's practically a reflex reaction.

It has to be said, the book holds a bit of a special place in my heart - it was the first book I picked up when I joined Allison & Busby three years ago (sheesh, has it really been three years?) and I remember getting a thrill, like it was a really good omen, that I adored the first novel I read on the new job.
Then, I actually got to meet the author at the Edinburgh International Book Festival - another thrill for me. Francine Prose is relatively unknown here in the UK, but she is a HUGE name in her native U.S.A, and I couldn't help being pretty much in awe of her. In fact, I distinctly remember losing all sense of professional decorum as her Publicity Manager and found myself gushing "I'm sooo delighted to meet you in person, I absolutely looooooved A Changed Man". I think I came close to blurting out the stereotypical "Really, I mean it, I'm your BIGGEST fan!" but I checked myself just in time.
To top it off, when it came to designing a completely new cover for the paperback, I suggested the idea of the butterfly with the swastika pattern on the wings. When our designer managed to turn my idea into something concrete and it actually made the final cover... well, there you have it: thrill number 3.
So, now that it's been selected for the Books to Talk About initiative, well we're up to four thrills now!

You can see the full list of 100 books being championed on the Spread the Word Books to Talk About Website. (A Changed Man is top of the list under the Contemporary Life section.) Every book-lover is invited to read, comment on and vote for the book they think would make for good discussion at a reading group. The 10 books that get the most votes will go on to be promoted throughout bookshops and specially set up reading groups, and eventually one book will be named the winner on World Book Day in March.
Now I'm not trying to bend anyone's arm here (okay, who am I trying to kid, maybe I am...) but if you suddenly find yourself drawn to voting for A Changed Man, well, don't let me stop you... In fact, I'll make it really easy for you - click here to vote for A Changed Man now!
But seriously, most of all, tell people about the list and support this initiative. Talking about books - any books - is a good thing, so help spread the word!

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